COLORADO – On July 15 officials from Vyrsity and Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary signed a partnership agreement to benefit both schools. Rocky Mountain will operate under the leadership of Vyrsity, with Dr. Christopher Cone serving as Interim President, with longtime RMBC President Dr. Steve Lewis moving into the President Emeritus role and serving as Chancellor and faculty for Vyrsity. Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary will continue to operate in Colorado, and Vyrsity will continue its development in Missouri. The two schools will share faculty, develop collaborative degree programs, and will benefit from AgathonEDU’s shared services model.

Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary remains committed to its mission to equip “students in the study of the Bible that will lead their generation into the future changing the way they think, live and serve, to change their world for Jesus Christ.” Vyrsity has a complementary mission, “to excel as an interdisciplinary educational platform with a Biblical worldview, providing innovative and specialized education for character development, intellectual proficiency, and practical aptitude.”