Early College and Dual Enrollment
(up to 60 hours, $34 per credit hour)
CBU's Early College and Dual Enrollment program is geared toward homeschoolers and students attending private Christian schools. Students may earn up to 60 hours toward CBU's Associate of Biblical Education (ABE, 60 hours) or Bachelor of Biblical Education (BBE, 120 hours).

Certificate of Biblical Education (CBE)
(30 hours, $34 per credit hour)
The 30 hour Certificate of Biblical Education (CBE) is designed for the student who desires a foundation in Biblical studies, general education, and education skills. The CBE is the first half of the Associate of Biblical Education (ABE, 60 hours).

Associate of Biblical Education (ABE)
(60 hours, $34 per credit hour)
The 60 hour Associate of Biblical Education (ABE, 60 hours) provides a Biblical foundation, general education, and educational skills – all from the vantage point of the Biblical worldview.

Bachelor of Biblical Education (BBE)
(120 hours, $34 per credit hour)
CBU's 120 hour Bachelor of Biblical Education (BBE) is designed to prepare students with a solid Biblical foundation, a broad general education, and educational and leadership tools – all with the Biblical worldview.
Undergraduate Course List
CBU’s Bachelor of Biblical Education (BBE, 120 Hours) is not a teacher certification program, instead preparing educators to lead in diverse environments, empowering people and building communities. The BBE can be achieved with 60 Hours beyond the Associates of Biblical Education (ABE, 60 hours).
Program Learning Outcomes for the BBE:
- To prepare Learners for roles in transformative education teaching and service.
- To provide Learners a foundation for effective individual and organizational leadership in diverse environments.
- To ensure Learners demonstrate Biblical worldview foundation for empowering people and building communities.
- To help Learners formulate a Biblical approach to transformative learning and leadership.
The CBE (30 hours) course requirements include:
Any 4 courses from the General Education Core
Any 3 courses from the Biblical Learning Core
Any 3 courses from the Biblical Leadership Core
The ABE (60 hours) course requirements include:
Any 12 courses from the General Education Core
Any 4 courses from the Biblical Learning Core
Any 4 courses from the Biblical Leadership Core
The BBE (120 hours) course requirements include all of the following courses:
General Education Core – (53 Hours) (Includes Core42)
PHIL1101 Intro to Critical Thinking
PHIL1103 Reading Comprehension and Understanding
ENGL1101 English Grammar and Composition
ENGL1103 English Composition
ENGL2101 Speech and Communications
HIST1101 Ancient World History I (OT Survey)
HIST1103 Ancient World History II (NT Survey)
HIST2101 American Government
PSYC1101 General Psychology
PSYC1301 Systems of Counseling
HUMA1101 Ethics
HUMA2101 Socio Political Thought and Civics
SCIE1101 Biology
SCIE1103 Biology Lab (1 Hour)
SCIE2101 Chemistry
SCIE2103 Chemistry Lab (1 Hour)
MATH2101 College Algebra
LANG1301 Intro to Greek Language
LANG1501 Intro to Hebrew Language
Biblical Learning Core – (42 Hours)
PSYC1501 Human Growth and Development
EDUC1101 Foundations of Education
BIBL1301 Biblical Literature: The Torah
BIBL1303 Biblical Literature: The Prophets
BIBL2305 Biblical Literature: The Writings
BIBL2307 Biblical Literature: The Gospels and Acts
BIBL3309 Biblical Literature: The Pauline Epistles
BIBL4311 Biblical Literature: General Epistles and Revelation
EDUC 2301 Personal Growth
THEO1407 Systems of Theology
Bible Book Study Elective I
Bible Book Study Elective II
BIBL3101 Practicum in Biblical Learning I
BIBL4101 Practicum in Biblical Learning II
Biblical Leadership Core – (21 Hours)
EDUC3703 Organizational Leadership
PSYC3501 Conflict Resolution
EDUC3901 Curriculum Design
EDUC3905 Content Measurement and Evaluation
EDUC4307 Intercultural Education
BIBL3103 Practicum in Biblical Leadership I
BIBL4103 Practicum in Transformative Leadership II
Capstone (4 Hours)
EDUC4901 Capstone (4 Hours)
Colorado Biblical University, formerly Rocky Mountain Bible College and Seminary, and Fort Collins Bible College, exists to equip in the study of the Bible students that will lead their generation into the future changing the way they think, live and serve, to change their world for Jesus Christ. CBU offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in Biblical Education, leadership, and counseling. All CBU degrees are available fully online or onsite.
– Solidly Biblical Education
– No Application Fee
– From $34 Per Credit Hour
– All Programs Available Online
– Advance at Your Own Pace