EDUC5703 Intro to Organizational Leadership
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Designed to challenge graduate students to examine and to apply biblical leadership to all of their processes. Students will learn to evaluate this process from a Biblical viewpoint and to choose Christ-honoring influence processes.
Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D
John Oglesby, MA
Kenneth Cone
Chelle Annette Islas, Ph.D
Ralph Watson, M.A.
Jimmy Odom
Chris Williams, M.Div
Cory Trowbridge, MBA
Module 1 – Foundations of Leadership – Dr. Christopher Cone
Carnegie, Part 1-2
Christopher Cone examines foundations for Biblical leadership, exploring various models and making the case for an ideal one.
Module 2 – Case Studies in Leadership – Dr. Christopher Cone
Carnegie, Part 3-4
Christopher Cone explores Biblical and extrabiblical examples of leadership, examining the effectiveness of each, and drawing out practical application for the contemporary learner.
Module 3 – Principles of Civic Leadership – Jimmy Odom
Cone, Chapters 1-5
Jimmy Odom explores various aspects of civic leadership, drawing on his experience and research.
Module 4 – Vision, Mission, and Objective Leadership – Kenneth Cone
Cone, Chapters 6-10
Kenneth Cone examines principles for establishing an organizations vision, mission, and objectives.
Module 5 – People Development – John Oglesby
Cone, Chapters 11-15
John Oglesby explores the purpose, effectiveness, and outcomes of developing people within an organization looking at Biblical examples.
Module 6 – Conflict Competency – Dr. Chelle Annette Islas
Maxwell, Laws 1-6
Chelle Annette Islas presents a model for becoming competent amidst conflict preparing the Learner to approach future conflict with confidence and effectiveness.
Module 7 – Strategic Planning – Dr. Christopher Cone
Maxwell, Laws 7-13
Christopher Cone explores the cycle for excellence, a model of strategic planning.
Module 8 – Financial Management – Cory Trowbridge
Maxwell, Laws 14-21
Cory Trowbridge explores the fundamentals of financial management, looking at both personal and organizational principles.
Module 9 – Ministry Leadership – Chris Williams
Kim and Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy Chs. 1-6
Chris Williams explores unique qualities of leadership within various ministry contexts.
Module 10 – Personal Growth and Discipline – Ralph Watson
Kim and Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy Chs. 7-11
Ralph Watson presents a model of personal growth and discipline established within the Biblical worldview.
Required Texts
- All CBU courses use the Bible as a primary textbook. Translations used for coursework include any of the following: NASB, ESV, KJV, and NKJV. Other translations/versions may be used for complementary study and research.
- Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (Cornerstone Publishing, 2005), Electronic Version
- W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy (Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2015) $17.89
- Christopher Cone, Led By a Lion: Principles for Leadership and Their Biblical Roots (Independence: Grace Acres Press, December 2021) $17
- John Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2007) $15.49
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
- To establish a Biblical model for leadership which can be applied by the Learner in personal and organizational endeavors.
- To prepare Learners for leadership within various organizational contexts.
- To prepare Learners for organizational leadership in various disciplines such as financial, human resources, and visionary leadership.
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
PLOs for A. Ed:
1. To prepare Learners for specialized undergrad study in transformative education theory and in leadership strategies.
2. To provide Learners key worldview foundations for critical thinking and study.
3. To provide Learners with practical experience germane to their transformative learning and leadership.
PLOs for B. Ed:
1. To prepare Learners for roles in transformative education teaching and service.
2. To provide Learners a foundation for effective individual and organizational leadership in diverse environments.
3. To ensure Learners demonstrate worldview foundation for empowering people and building communities.
4. To develop Learners who formulate the Biblical approach to transformative learning and leadership
CBU Learning Outcomes (CBULOs)
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Research – Learners will demonstrate ability to think critically, solve problems, and conduct interdisciplinary research at a level appropriate to their program.
- Personal Growth – Learners will understand how learning is related to personal growth, and will be challenged to grow in their thinking, communication, conduct, and engagement with others.
- Skills Development – Learners will advance in skills related to their area of learning, demonstrating a level of competency appropriate to their program.
- Social Responsibility – Learners will appreciate the diversity in and value of others as designed by our Creator, and will grow in willingness and capability to serve others.
- Worldview Applications – Learners will become capable at thinking from a worldview perspective and will understand the relationship of description and prescription, so that they can ground their actions in sound principles.
Assignments and Grading (1000 Points)
- Module Assessments (25 points each x 10) 250 Points
a. CLO 1 / PLO 3,4 / CBULO 1,2
b. For each module, the student is to prepare a 10-15 minute video in which the student will (1) summarize the content of the module and (2) establish the relevance to leading and organization. - Course Content Assessment 250 Points
a. CLO 2 / PLO 3,4 / CBULO 3,5
b. At the end of the course, the student will prepare a 10-15 page paper (APA style) in which the student will (1) identify 3-5 various styles of leadership, (2) explain each style of leadership, (3) give both critiques and affirmations from each, and (4) briefly explain and justify their own ideal style of leadership. This paper should be well researched and presented with formal APA formatting. - Reading Content Assessment 250 Points
a. CLO 1 / PLO 3,4 / CBULO 1,2
b. Each section of reading (according to the above reading schedule) should be accompanied by a 3-5 page summary of the contents. - Competency Assessment –
a. Interview: Interview an organizational leader establishing their strategies and preferences of leadership. Create a 30-minute video recapping the interview and assessing implications of the other’s views.
b. Recorded Presentation: Give a 45–60-minute presentation on a topic related to organizational leadership. Each student is to work with their mentoring faculty to establish the ideal topic for them.i. CLO 3 / PLO 1,2 / CBULO 4,5
250 Points
Grading Scale
91-100% A
81-90% B
71-80% C
61-70% D
0-60% F
Carnegie Unit Credit Hour Equivalent
Total Hours of Module Content: 20 hours
Total Hours of Reading Content: 40 hours
Total Hours of Minor Assessments: 30 hours
Total Hours of Major Assessment: 30 hours
Total Hours of Competency Assessment: 15 hours
Equivalent of 3 Credit Hour (135 hours of total course time)
Course Duration Policy
Learners may complete the course in as few as four weeks and in as many as sixteen weeks from the date of enrollment.
Writing Style Policy
All written assessments must follow the style guide appropriate for each course subject as listed below:
- PHIL/HUMA/HIST/LANG/BIBL – Chicago Style (The Chicago Manual of Style: The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers, Seventeenth Edition)
- EDUC/SCIE/MATH/PSYC – APA Style (The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition)
- ENGL – MLA Style (MLA Handbook, Ninth Edition)
Standard of Intellectual Honesty
By enrolling in a CBU degree program, Learners commit that they will not give or receive aid in any work that is to be used by the professor as the basis of grading, and that, and will do their part to ensure that other Learners uphold CBU's Standards of Intellectual Honesty.
The CBU faculty manifests its confidence in the honor of its Learners by refraining from proctoring examinations and from taking unusual and unreasonable precautions to prevent intellectual dishonesty.
While the CBU faculty alone has the right and obligation to determine academic requirements, Learners and faculty collaborate to establish the conditions for learning that is worthy of the worldview that CBU represents.
Intellectual dishonesty includes but is not limited to:
- Copying from another’s work or allowing another to copy from one’s own work
- Representing as one’s own work the work of another
- Other forms of plagiarism.
- Unpermitted collaboration or provision of aid on an academic assignment
- Using the same paper or other coursework too satisfy the requirements of more than one course or degree
The standard penalty for a first offense may include a failing grade for the course in which the violation occurred. Repeated offenses may include academic suspension or dismissal.